Menu Plan Monday | The Full Helping

It has been a very long time since I created a Menu Plan Monday post! This is partly because time got constricted during my finals, and partly because my meal planning, such as it is, has been a little erratic for the past few weeks.

Cookbook recipe testing doesn’t lend itself to an organized weekly meal plan. Whereas I usually do one, well-planned grocery haul per week, these days I find myself making frantic runs (occasionally still clad in an apron) to the store every couple of days, searching out ingredients that I’ve forgotten to pick up for this or that kitchen trial. And while it’s my regular habit to create a varied and balanced plan for my weekly dinners, I’ve been doing a lot more spontaneous planning to accommodate recipe testing for the book, the blog, and freelance work.

It’s all a fun adventure, but I miss routine and regularity–and I miss sharing these posts. For the next few months, my plan is to plan when I can, but not stress too much if I have to wing it or give into the chaos of cookbook testing. I’ll continue Menu Plan Monday posts through the summer, even if they’re not weekly, and I’ll reassess my blog schedule again in the fall. Hopefully I can keep up with these posts, because they definitely help me to stay organized!

Menu plan Monday

This week’s plan features a couple of my summery favorites, and it also features my savory chickpea oat balls. I know I just made these last week, but they were so good and helped to create so many tasty lunch bowls that I’m making them again in a couple days. (They’re particularly good in a lunch bowl with chickpeas and roasted cauliflower–just sayin’.)


Today, before I headed off to my MNT lecture, I had one of my leftover kale and quinoa stuffed sweet potato skins from supper last night. It’s a mighty simple recipe without any fancy flavorings, but boy, do I love it. And I love that I have a leftover potato for tomorrow’s lunch, too.


Other menu items this week include my quinoa with garlic roasted cherry tomatoes and chickpeas, which I made for the first time last summer and instantly fell in love with, and my black bean and corn burgers, which are one of Steven’s favorite recipes. Here’s the lineup.


Creamy roasted beet hummus
●Black beans

Menu Plan:

Sunday: Kale and quinoa stuffed sweet potato skins
Monday: Quinoa with garlic roasted cherry tomatoes and chickpeas | Roasted asparagus
Tuesday: Dinner out
WednesdaySavory Mediterranean chickpea oat balls with pasta and marinara sauce | Fresh green salad
Thursday: Chickpea oat ball leftovers
Friday: Cookbook recipe testing
Saturday: Easy vegan black bean and corn burgers | Summery salad with corn, cucumbers, and my balsamic tahini dressing


And that’s it! A week of low stress cooking that also gives me a little space to test new things. As always, I welcome you to ask any questions about meal planning and food prep that you might have–and please feel to share your tips and organization strategies, too! I’m always happy to hear how other folks keep their culinary routines going.

Happy Monday,


Source link: by Gena Hamshaw at